I know I haven’t posted an update in a while. We have been busy building a 2 bedroom cabin for my dad across the spring from us. It’s nice for him to have his own smaller space and be much closer to us. Now we just have to walk across the bridge to his new cabin! He is settling in nicely and making it homey.
After we moved my dad out of my parents’ old house, we remodeled it and set it up for a rental. The Hummingbird House is a spacious 3 bedroom/2 bath that is handicap accessible and sleeps 10-13 people. Now all the rentals are together in one place. It will make family reunions much easier for guests!

We also expanded our herd from 4 head of cattle to 18. We have Tiny, our bull, 9 cows, 3 heifers, 2 steers and 3 calves. It has been fun to watch the calves run around and the cattle are friendly and several will let you pet their noses over the fence. We had an incident where one of our heifers somehow got her lower eyelid caught on the hook for the gate, but with the help of our friendly neighbor and the local feed store, we were able to give her medicine to clear it up and it has healed up nicely. You wouldn’t even know she had hurt it! I’m thankful she didn’t end up losing her eye!

We had started seeds for our garden but while the trays were in the greenhouse on the front porch, a strong wind blew the greenhouse over and we lost most of them. Next year we will start our seeds differently. We did however plant a small garden with local plants. We have several different varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and potatoes.
Our busy season is now upon us with the whole ranch rented for most of May and into the summer. I’m grateful we finished everything up in time (we could not have done it without the help of our wonderful kids, Emily who cleans for us, and my Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob who rescued us once again with help staining the doors. lol) It’s nice to now have a chance to breathe, stop and enjoy the beauty around us, and have some family time with the kids.
I look forward to meeting all our guests, both new and those that have been coming for years. This place really does attract some amazing people and we are blessed by all the love.