Missouri Ozark’s Resort - Koinania Valley Ranch
koinania@gmail.com | 573-269-1193
Two hours SW of St Louis

West Wing improvements

Since taking over the business we have updated the kitchens in the Hummingbird House and the East Wing. We decided it was time to update the West Wing kitchen. Afterall, it was the first kitchen built on this property in 1998. It also is the one that is used most often.

We were pretty happy with the cabinets that we put in the East Wing so we went with the same ones. A microwave oven hood was also needed and we found Lowes had one in stock. Win-win! We loved the coffee bar idea but wanted closed storage so were very happy when we found one that fit the bill.

Coffee bar for the win!

My dad was telling us how much he liked the backsplash that we put in at his place, so we decided to use the same concept here. Jason found some for a good deal! Woo-hoo! Mom would’ve been so proud. She always did love a good bargain.

Kitchen close-up.

Since the West Wing kitchen is the main kitchen used for family reunions we wanted to add more seating. So Jason put in a flip up bar in the corner by the window. It seats 2 more people on stools nicely. I am incredibly grateful I have a handy hubby!

View with flip-up bar and stools.

Now once my ankle is all healed up, I can repaint the kitchen area. I hope to have that done this spring!

So now that the kitchen remodel project is done, it’s onto regular maintenance to prep for the summer season. It looks like we’ll have a full season too!

West kitchen view from living room.

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